Year 2 Christmas Maths Activities

Year 2 Christmas Maths Activities


This Grade 2 Christmas Maths Activities pack has 21 printables covering Number & Algebra, Geometry & Measurement and Statistics & Probability. Use for whole class activities as revision or within math centres and small groups.

Includes both UK and US Spelling versions.


Skip Counting - Skip count by 2’s, 5’s and 10’s, forwards and backwards.

10 More 10 Less - Finish the Christmas Trees by counting 10 more and 10 less.

5 More and 5 Less - Finish the Christmas Trees by counting 5 more and 5 less.

Number Order Carts - Write the numbers from smallest to biggest in the carts. (Numbers up to 1000)

Christmas Fact Families - Fill in the fact families using the given numbers.

Number Lines - Use the number lines to solve the number sentences. (Addition and subtraction - change unknown and quantity unknown.)

Place Value 1 - Presents are worth 100, candy canes are worth 10 and lollies are worth 1. Write the total value of each group.

Place Value 2 - Draw the number of presents (100) candy canes (10) and lollies (1) to show the value of each number.

Multiplication Arrays - Draw the arrays for each number sentence. (2 pages)

Christmas Problems - Solve the word problems and write your own. (Addition and Subtraction)

Fractions - Colour and draw a fraction of each collection - halves, quarters and eighths.

Colour By Code - Addition and subtraction up to and within 20.

Colour By Code - Addition and Subtraction up to and within 30.

Christmas Food - Find the favourite Christmas food of 30 people. Tally and graph the results.

Christmas Spending - Draw the coins needed to buy each toy.

Christmas Calendar- Use the given December calendar to answer the questions.

Time 1 - Write the digital time shown on each analogue clock. (Half hour, quarter past and quarter to.)

Time 2 - Draw the hands on the clock to show the time. Half hour, quarter past and quarter to.)

Measurement - Shortest and Longest. Biggest and smallest area. Biggest / Smallest capacity.

Christmas Tree - Decorate the Christmas Tree using only the attributes of 2 D shapes to guide you.

Answer Key

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