
I love pulling the curriculum apart.

And that assists my other passion, helping teachers to save time so they can spend much needed time on themselves! After over 20 years as a teacher, Curriculum Consultant, Curriculum Manager, Deputy Principal and Principal Consultant across Western Australia I have taught all of the primary year levels including some Specialist roles, been shortlisted twice for the National Excellence in Teaching Awards (NEITA) and have been inspired by so many wonderful educators and students.

But here is what I also did. I lived and breathed teaching and all things education. I have wanted to be a teacher since I was 12 and was determined to make an impact. So while I was advising teachers to take care of themselves, I forgot to take on board my own advice. My commitment and passion about all things education and to helping teachers didn’t wane but after becoming a Mum I needed to examine my own priorities.

And so (eventually), Resourcing Time was born.

My name is Tanya and I am a busy Mum to two girls aged 5 and 3. (Did I need to need to put the word busy in front of Mum?!) I am currently living and working in the hot and sunny Pilbara. I enjoy making quality resources so you can focus on you.

You don’t need to sacrifice yourself or your time with loved ones. From complete Australian Curriculum Maths programs to activities and games your class will love to charts and posters for your class, you will find resources that save you time and stress.

Welcome to Resourcing Time!