Mental Maths Strategy Posters + Flip Cards (Multiplication & Division)

Mental Maths Strategy Posters + Flip Cards (Multiplication & Division)


Mental Math Strategy Posters + Flip Cards (Multiplication and Division – Whole Numbers). A huge range of Mental Maths anchor charts to cater for the younger student who is beginning to learn times and divide strategies to the older student who requires more advanced skills!

A set of 24 A4 highly appealing posters and A6 flip cards, with examples, to use as a teaching tool to support modelling and for display in your class.
This set includes the strategies to assist students in developing fluency of times tables as well as the application of strategies to larger numbers. 

Included are posters that are essentially the same strategy but can often be found to be called different things– choose and use the ones that apply to your school and your class!
N.B Not all of the different names are covered in this set!

PLUS teaching notes about essential teaching points and strategies when teaching Multiplication and Division.

PLUS make each student a flip book of Addition and Subtraction strategies which they can refer to easily. Each strategy is also available in a 10cm x 14cm card. Complete with instructions to put together.

Included are A4 posters and A6 cards of the following strategies –
Turn Around
Spin Arounds
Multiply by 0
Multiply by 9
Multiply by 1
Skip Counting
Repeated Addition
Draw Equal Groups
Double Doubles
Doubles, Add One Lot
Use Factors
Split – One multiplication poster showing a pictorial model of splitting a smaller number and another multiplication poster showing splitting up of a larger number
Use Known Facts
Compensate (Separate Multiplication and Division Posters)
Think Multiplication
Split – Division
Repeated Subtraction
Fact Families
PLUS a poster on Factors and Multiples!

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