BUNDLE: Job Application Guide + Interviews For WA Schools

BUNDLE: Job Application Guide + Interviews For WA Schools


This is a bundle offer of my Job Application Guide With CV Templates PLUS Preparing For An Interview in WA Schools.

A total of 46 pages to guide teachers in writing a strong CV and Cover Letter or Statement of Claim against the AITSL Standards and preparing for an interview for a position in WA schools.

PLUS two editable Word CV Templates.

Based on a number of years of being both a member of panels and panel chair for teaching positions through my administrative/leadership role AND my current role of preparing CVs and Cover Letters for teachers/leaders.

Writing An Application Guide
* Detailed guide taking you through the entire written application
* Includes what to avoid and common errors teachers make when writing a teaching CV and Cover Letter or Statement of Claim
* Examples of what and how to write for both the CV and Cover Letter or Statement of Claim.
* Includes ideas of what to include under Responsibilities and Achievements in your CV.
* Contains a vocabulary list to make your CV and Cover Letter stronger as well as current ‘buzz words / phrases’ in education.
* Two editable CV Templates.

Feedback from teachers include:
“This has provided the clarity needed when preparing my CV and application documents. Thanks!” – Buyer
“Exactly what I need as a pre-service teacher preparing my CV.” – E.P

Interview Guide
* Includes sample questions/tasks and ideas on how to respond.
* How to prepare before the interview.
* A sample Interview Preparation Proforma.
* Your preparation on the day of the interview.

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Job Application Guide With CV Templates

Job Application Guide With CV Templates

Preparing For An Interview For Western Australian Schools

Preparing For An Interview For Western Australian Schools
